Friday, August 04, 2006

America: a Plumber with leaky pipes?

The Church in America has, for several decades, concentrated heavily on reaching the lost in other countries. America supports many many missionaries in many countries around the world. We have done much to spread the gospel throughout the world. However, when one looks at American society today, it is hard to believe that this could be so.

America's foundation, once based firmly in Christianity, has been eroded away over the past century, until we are now precariously close to moral collapse. How has this happened? I believe that America has become like a plumber, who goes out and fixes other people's pipes all day, but never looks to his own house to fix his pipes. The Church here in America has concentrated almost completely on reaching people in other countries, and has not been active in shoring up the foundation of this nation. It has come to the point where nearly every area of society, government, schools, the media, even the leadership of many churches is so humanist and "politically correct" that there is no right or wrong, or even a perceived need for redemption.

The church has been effectively blind to almost all things "secular" for far too long. Unless strong Christians step up to leadership in our society, how can we expect the country to
continue to be the christian nation it started out as? Foreign missions are important, no doubt, but we can't ignore our own country either.

The old saying, "all evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing," really is true. For the most part, Christians have done nothing to influence the areas of public or higher education, government, media, entertainment, or even business. Humanist thought has pervaded all of these areas, taking over with almost no fight at all. We now see what the selfish greed of humanism has done to these areas, the schools are often little more than brainwashing centers, the government is incredibly corrupt, the media and entertainment industries are simply disgusting, and most businesses chase the dollar with no concern for anything else. While many in the church complain about how far our society has fallen, how many are willing to do something about it? Many will send and support missionaries over seas, but how many are willing to fight for the soul of our country? America is still a free country, not completely lost, if the Church does mobilize and begin to fight back, we can, by the Grace of God, take back our culture.

We, as Christians, need to step up, and strive to take back the reigns of leadership from the humanists who now control almost every area of our society. Only from a solid base can any truly effective effort be made to change other countries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on! I could not have said it better myself!
Lady Gwen